The Secret Life of Bees is the story of a young girl coming of age in the south during the 1960's. Lily is raised by her neglectful father on a peach farm in South Carolina. Finally fed up with her father's mistreatment Lily and her nanny Rosaleen head off in search of a place to call home. Lily and Rosaleen are taken in by the Boatwright sisters on their bee-keeping farm in Tiburn, SC. There she finds unconditional love, the mother she's been longing for, and finally herself in this unlikely honey-sticky place.
Sarah’s Review:
This book hums with the feel of long hot summers and honeybees. It is a portrait of the strength of women and the bonds we share together. Although I was a bit uncomfortable with the religious aspects of the book, I believe strongly in the message. One must find what you truly believe in before you can find who you really are. The Secret Life of Bees is inspirational and uplifting. An excellent book to read this summer while laying in the sunshine with a glass of sweet tea.
Erienne’s Review:
The Secret Life of the Bees is a book that reminds me of the importance of having people to help you go through the struggles of life. Lily, who has no one she can trust but her nanny, ends up finding an entire community of people to love her and help her deal with the difficulties in her life. The women at the bee-keeping farm show Lily how to love again by loving her despite their differences. Lily is also able to see how the women deal with their own struggles and support one another within the midst of difficult times. As the book comes to a close, Lily is beginning to experience freedom from her past and is able to return some of the love she has been given.
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